2. command-line mode
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade3. restart
4. install codecs, flash support
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras5. install gnome 3 shell, as a replacement to Unity
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell6. logout, and pick gnome as your session, login again
7. install the gnome tweak took and the shell extension, download some gnome themes you like, change the theme, etc. - mostly taken from this Tech Drive-in link
The Tech Drive-in link is also where I got to install some cool Gnome-shell themes, and the Faenza icon theme. 8. put the window controls (maximize, close) to the right instead of the default left position (link) -
gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"
9. Install Chromium Web Browser from the Ubuntu Software Center app. Same look and feel as the Google Chrome browser.
10. Install Ubuntu Tweak - yes, a release version is now available. But I notice the version for 11.10 doesn't have as much features as previous versions for older Ubuntu releases like 10.04 LTS.
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