Saturday, June 19, 2010

How to hide photos and videos you are tagged in from the rest of the (Facebook) world

As of today, these settings in Facebook still applies:

Go to Account - Privacy Settings.
Under the section Sharing on Facebook, click on the Customize Settings link.
Scroll down to the section Things other share.
On the setting Photos and videos I'm tagged in, click on the options and choose Custom.
The Custom Privacy pop-up appears.  Change the Make this visible to setting to Only Me.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ubuntu Network Printing

Setup made for:

( x ) Printer Server - Ubuntu 9.10

( x ) Client desktop - Ubuntu 10.04

On the printer server:

1. Install HPLIP package.  Easy way is to install it via Ubuntu Software Center (from the Applications menu option).

2. Open System -> Administration -> Printing, then click on Server -> Settings.  Make sure to put a check on the setting Publish shared printers connected to this system.

3. Save settings, and on a terminal window, type:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

On the Ubuntu client desktop:
1. Open System -> Administration -> Printing.
2. Click the Add button, then expand the list of Network Printers.
3. Click on Find Network Printer then on the host field, type in the IP address of the printer server.  Click the Find button.
4. Click the Verify button (to see if there will be any errors), and then the Forward button.

On the Windows client desktop:
1. Add a new network printer, and choose connect to a printer on the Internet
Enter in the format:

with hostname = IP address, and printername as the same name of the printer in the printer server.