Friday, April 2, 2010

gedit plugins for Ruby on Rails

Note: Appears incompatible with Ubuntu 10.04; plug-ins cannot be enabled after install.

Source of tarball with useful gedit plugins here.

Thanks to Alexandre's blog (spanish).

After downloading the tar ball file, in the terminal window
$ cd lexrupy-gmate-b5cc3f9
$ sudo ./
Answer "y" to the question that follows. Output is:
Do you want to activate default plugin and configuration set? [y,N]:y
Configuration set.

Launch gedit. I now have class browser and nice Textmate color themes.
I would still need to explore on its features, though.
List of plugins:
  1. Find in Files
  2. Split View
  3. Advanced Bookmarks
  4. Align
  5. Class Browser
  6. Completion
  7. Find Open
  8. Gemini
  9. Goto File
  10. Multi Edit
  11. Pastie
  12. Quick Hightlight Mode
  13. Rails Extract
  14. Rails Hot Commands
  15. Rails Hot Keys
  16. Ruby on Rails loader
  17. Smart Indent
  18. Snap Open
  19. Tab Switch
  20. Text Tools
  21. To Do
  22. Trail Save
  23. Zen Coding

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